Marsha Swanson

In Touch By Marsha Swanson | Review

Marsha Swanson has done it again. Her new single, “In Touch”, is a stunning piece that moved me from the very first listen. The track, now available to stream, feels like a journey through time and emotion. It’s beautifully enriched by the voices of three generations of women, delicately reading poetry that ties into the themes of her critically acclaimed album, “Near Life Experience”.

What struck me most about this track was its ability to feel both deeply personal and profoundly universal. Each vocal hook carries its own weight, blending connection, reflection, and the fleeting nature of time. It’s haunting, uplifting, and lingers with you long after the music ends.

Marsha herself described this release as a way to encapsulate shared human experiences, and she’s absolutely nailed it.

You can listen below.

Photo Credit: Marsha Swanson.

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